So far I found this one it’s not bad at all but I want to add some more to my list.
Posted on 14 May 2013.
So far I found this one it’s not bad at all but I want to add some more to my list.
Posted in Featured ArticlesComments (0)
Posted on 29 April 2013.
I had about 3-4 serious websites with over 2500 unique page views per day but those were mobile views. I always thought that it simple as:
1. Make a site
2. Get visitors
3. Put ads
4. Cashout
Once it comes to mobile users I can get them as much as I want so the first three steps were not a problam for me because I am good in site making. So like I said I had serious mobile sites in past but I have never earned serious money not even with 90000 page views a mounth!
But now I wish to make a pc site, a blog site preferably. But I very well know the fact that 7days after I will not earn a single penny. So I have decided to make a blog of what I like and not to earn with it, that way I will not be under pressure of money so the thought “This is not getting me money maybe I should quit!” will not be in my head.
So I was thinking of making a blog of what I like and that is Architecture! I study for it and I am best student in my school and I know A LOT about it. But one problam persist how will I get users to see it? I can easily find mobile users which are upto downloading some games, mp3’s or other content but they are most likely not in a mood to read about some architecture.
So that is biggest problam. I dont want to write in vain, I dont want no one to see it. If I spam on other people blogs I know no one will even look at my blog. They will be all like “Hahah he is spamming with architecture! HA!”
I was thinking of making a facebook page of architecture and sending traffic to my blog that way. And maybe I will put some ads after it gets popular.
So what do you think of my idea? Do you encourage me or discourageme?
Do you have any advise for me?
Also exuse me if I made any spell or gramar mistake. English is not my mother languange.
Posted in Featured ArticlesComments (0)
Posted on 05 April 2013.
I need sites that pay not bad money for referring other people, that are free to join, that pays with paypal and doesn’t delay with payments.
so, what are the top paying referral program sites that pay with paypal and free to join?
Posted in Featured ArticlesComments (0)
Posted on 05 April 2013.
I come from a country where its really a hassle to en-cash a check. I’d really like to go with clickbank but they only process checks as far as I know. Furthermore, my niche is more on health precisely pimple treatment. If there is an affiliate site that is 1.)Has offers that focuses on health or pimple treatment and 2.)Pays through Paypal, then please tell me. Thanks.
Posted in Featured ArticlesComments (0)
Posted on 22 March 2013.
What are the difference between billion dollar websites like facebook, yahoo and low or no earning websites that sell products or has affiliate program?
So, what is the main difference between real online “Magnets” and average people who try to earn money?
And what sites can make real money instead of few bucks and useless affiliate sites?
Posted in Featured ArticlesComments (0)
Posted on 04 March 2013.
I have about 25 wordpress niches sites well wrote and well designed for the target keyword for every site, actually theses sites are 6 months old and I have made a seo plan for every site and I did create a lot of backlinks for every site, well now I am noticing that 7 sites are ranked in the first 100 of Google for the one keyword specific 2 of them also are in 1-3 top of Google and the rest are increasing day by day ,but actually i cant see the other 18 sites in 100 page of Google :'( i don’t know why ? there is no penalties for the sites that’s what I have noticed from Google webmaster ,but I am really sad and confused about my issue because really that cost me a lot of money 7000$ for all my work including seo , creating sites and writing articles ! and finally I didn’t see the results for ranking in Google ,I have copy all the sites below with the keywords and local monthly searches and also the positions now in Google for every site, I hope you will help me for that ,thanks you guys
BACKYARDDESIGNIDEAS.ORG [backyard design ideas] 4,900/m=Not Rank in First 100 page of Google)
BLACKMAXIDRESS.ORG [black maxi dress] 5,600/m=Not Rank in First 100 page of Google)
CENTRALAIRCONDITIONERPRICES.ORG [central air conditioner prices] 1,900/m=Not Rank in First 100 page of Google)
DYSONAIRMULTIPLIER.ORG [dyson air multiplier] 5,600/m=Not Rank in First 100 page of Google)
FRIEDRICHAIRCONDITIONER.NET [friedrich air conditioner] 6,100/m=Not Rank in First 100 page of Google)
FRONTYARDLANDSCAPEIDEAS.NET [front yard landscape ideas] 6,300/m=Not Rank in First 100 page of Google)
GESPACEMAKERMICROWAVE.NET [ge spacemaker microwave] 6,600/m=Not Rank in First 100 page of Google)
HEALTHYLUNCHRECIPES.NET [healthy lunch recipes] 4,600/m=Not Rank in First 100 page of Google)
HOMEDECORATORSCOUPONCODE.NET [home decorators coupon code] 4,000/m=Not Rank in First 100 page of Google)
HOWTODETECTBEDBUGS.NET [how to detect bed bugs] 4,300/m=Not Rank in First 100 page of Google)
JAPANESEGARDENDESIGN.ORG [japanese garden design] 4,900/m=Not Rank in First 100 page of Google)
MAYTAGREFRIGERATORPARTS.NET [maytag refrigerator parts] 5,400/m=Not Rank in First 100 page of Google)
NATURALREMEDIESFORALLERGIES.ORG [natural remedies for allergies] 4,900/m=Not Rank in First 100 page of Google)
NATURALTREATMENTFORDEPRESSION.ORG [natural treatment for depression] 5,600/m=Not Rank in First 100 page of Google)
OFFICEDEPOTCOUPONCODE.ORG [office depot coupon code] 9,900/m=Not Rank in First 100 page of Google)
TREATMENTFOROSTEOPOROSIS.ORG [treatment for osteoporosis] 1,000/m=Not Rank in First 100 page of Google)
TREATMENTFORPSORIASIS.ORG [treatment for psoriasis] 1,300/m=Not Rank in First 100 page of Google)
VINCECAMUTOSHOES.NET [vince camuto shoes] 9,900/m=Not Rank in First 100 page of Google)
CUSTOMIZEDWATERBOTTLES.ORG [customized water bottles] 3,000/m=Rank in 17 of First 100 page of Google)
DISCOUNTMUGSCOUPONCODE.NET [discount mugs coupon code] 3,600/m=Rank in 2 of First 100 page of Google)
HOMEMADELAUNDRYDETERGENT.ORG [homemade laundry detergent] 18,100/m=Rank in 23 of First 100 page of Google)
LEMONJUICEDIET.NET [lemon juice diet] 4,900/m=Rank in 3 of First 100 page of Google)
BESTBABYSHOWERGIFTS.ORG [best baby shower gifts] 3,600/m=Rank in 35 of First 100 page of Google)
LOWESPROMOCODE.ORG [lowes promo code] 6,600/m=Rank in 47 of First 100 page of Google)
HOMEREMEDIESFORPSORIASIS.COM [home remedies for psoriasis] 4,000/m=Rank in 8 of First 100 page of Google)
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