Posted on 14 April 2011. Tags: anyone, capital gains taxes, Company, economy, Lottery, national lottery, small business, small businesses, Tax
Whichever company wins the small business lottery never has to pay corporate or capital gains taxes for 30 years, which would make that company hire new employees and help the economy. Anyone not affiliated with the company would still owe taxes, including all employees would pay tax.
Would this not help the economy?
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 18 January 2011. Tags: adult money, affiliate marketing, business, distribution service company, listeners, Marketing, MLM, music, music distribution, real adult, small businesses, Start, tunecore
Hello. I am 15 and I want to start my own online company. I don’t want to do affiliate marketing, MLM, etc. I want to actually start a company that sells a product or service. But since I don’t have a product, I would like to sell a service. What kind of service could I sell? I thought of a online music distribution service company that would put other people’s music on iTunes. The problem is, people can do that through Tunecore.
I also found a free website script on the internet that creates a music sharing website where bands and artists can share their music, and listeners can listen, rate, chat, etc.
I would like to make real adult money (50k-100k a year) from my company. What online service company could I start? Any ideas? I can make a basic website on, so would small businesses pay me to create a website for them? Any other service company ideas that could be very profitable?
Posted in Featured Articles