Posted on 27 April 2011. Tags: Black, Catholic, gay couple, goodness, guidos, hate crimes, house, mayor bloomberg, Moved, Natives, neighborhood, smiles, Them
Okay so.
My high school is mostly made up of students from the same three surrounding, small neighborhoods. The one I grew up in is very homophobic but not as bad as my neighboring town. That neighborhood is notorious for hate crimes. Like, Mayor Bloomberg visited there because of it.
We’re all intense Italian and Irish Catholic guidos. It’s not even gays they attack. When a Black family moved into there a few years ago, a bunch of the natives burnt their house down. (No one was hurt, thank goodness, and yes, they did put a number of them behind bars.)
My boyfriend grew up in that neighborhood and he said it was hell. He didn’t come out until he was 20 and able to move a little while away.
Now our neighborhoods aren’t technically gang affiliated, but work like one. Our neighborhoods basically have each other’s backs. When someone has a problem with another person, it becomes both neighborhood’s business. Do you know what I mean?
Why they moved in here is beyond me. It’s gotten to the point where I go out of my way and purposely walk past their house to and from school everyday. I don’t know what to do.
We’ve only exchanged smiles and “good morning’s”. They’re in their 30’s and I’m 18. Should I make friends with them anyway? So they know they have someone here?
I can’t even stress how neurotic I’ve become over this. I’m literally scared for them. Is their anything at all I can do or maybe should do? Any advice at all?
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 16 September 2010. Tags: amp, brand name, form, logo, right question, smiles, smiley face, text, Trademark, Work
Okay, a few questions here. First off, if someone has filed a trademark that I want and it is in abandoned and dead status.. for more than a year.. can I apply for ownership?? If not can I submit a similar trademark in my own work and be granted ownership of that one seeing as the original similar trademark is dead & abandoned?(I would prefer this option since I like my work better) Also, if I have a trademark containing text in the form of a domain can I argue for rights to the actual domain? Or does that just give me ownership of the manner in which I have the text displayed in my trademark? Finally, if I trademark a logo that I intend to use with my brand do I also have to trademark the brand? (for example: if my logo was a smiley face and I wanted to make my brand smiles) would I have to trademark the logo and the brand name smiles? Or would I submit the logo and somehow link it or affiliate it with a company name of smiles? Sorry if I didn’t present these questions clearly..sometimes it’s hard to ask the right question(s). I appreciate input from anyone with legitimate experience or knowledge on this matter!! 
Posted in Featured Articles