Posted on 15 October 2012. Tags: biology, concept, concept thanks, earthworm, earthworms, Feeding, niche, nutrients, Nutrition, paper, secretion, soil, worm
an earthworm lives and reproduces in the soil.though its feeding,secretion, and tunneling activities, the worm adds nutrients and allows air to enter the soil,together these statements describe the earthworms
I was gone the day we got this paper. please explain it to me so i understand the concept. thanks
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 05 September 2012. Tags: algae, deep in the water, different places, ecosystem, edge, niche, Niches, organisms, plants, Pond, shoreline, soil, sunnier, Water
In a pond, there are so many different places…
There are niches right at the water’s edge.
There are different ones, just a few feet deeper into the water.
Then there are other niches very deep in the water, and others deep in the soil at the bottom of the pond.
There are niches associated with algae growing underwater and others growing on plants floating in the water.
There could be shady parts of the pond vs sunnier parts, where organisms that prefer one or the other prefer to grow.
If the pond is large enough, it might have an island, effecting creating a barrier from the rest of the shoreline and possibly a very specialized niche…
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 30 September 2010. Tags: animals, Community, environment, fungi, ld, minerals, niche, organisms, plants, population, producers, soil, Time, Water
1. Which of the following is a living feature of the environment?
2. Which of the following are nonliving features of the environment?
3. The organisms of one species living together in the same place at the same time are a ____.
D-all of the above
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101