Tag Archive | "sorta"

Does He Like Me Or Is He Just Friendly?

I’m a huge introvert so I’m REALLY not used to being social to others outside of my niche of friends.
One day when I was at a friend’s Sweet 16 the guy and I sorta gravitated to together since we didn’t really know anyone there other than one and other plus the girl with the birthday. Anyways, we had a lot of fun together dancing and talking.
We’ve been talking on facebook frequently and he’s always the one to initiate them. However, during lunch we hardly talk to each other, not because it’s awkward or anything but because he has a LOT of friends and we have mostly different friends, so we’re on the opposite sides of the cafeteria. This had me wondering if he actually fancies me or is just friendly. He is always talking to other girls and hugging but he still talks to me even when he has a plethora of friends.
Also, we sorta made plans for this weekend to go to the movies.
I want to tell him I like him but I don’t want to say it if he was just being a friend.
Does he like me or am I just assuming to much?

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