Posted on 10 June 2013. Tags: Decides, Does, music, play, Radio, station, What
There’s so many rumors and half-truths about music on the radio. The biggest ones which I like answer to are:
1.Does record labels really pay radio station to play their Artist songs?
2.Do radio only play what’s in the Top 40?
3.Do people really still request songs in these days? Because why request a song when I have so many disposable options to listen to said song whenever I want?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 06 October 2012. Tags: Affiliate, affiliate stations, Anybody, car talk, chicago area, little bit, member, member stations, npr, station, Talk, time slot
Now that Car Talk has ended its run does anybody know if any of the member stations of NPR is changing around their schedule at all, even a little bit and if so what changes are now being made to that station. And Car Talk fans how sad are you feeling that there will not be any new episodes of the show? I am in the Chicago area, and I know that WBEZ 91.5 is changing around its schedule a bit Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me now takes the time slot of Car Talk which is 9:00 A.M. and they used to air Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me at 10:00 A.M. but they will still keep the encore at 7:00 P.M. And I know that they are now shifting Car Talk repeats to 5:00 P.M. on Sundays.
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 28 March 2012. Tags: college help, espn, espn tv, excellent education, fun, GPA, Home, Missouri, Mizzou, nbc affiliate, station, stations radio, student radio station, taking a risk, university of texas at austin
Currently, I am a freshman at the University of Missouri majoring in Journalism. That’s what I want to do, journalism, no question about it. I am primarily interested in sports, and I am a really hard worker and will do whatever it takes to make it in the business.
I am considering transferring to the University of Texas at Austin because one, it is closer to home, and two, I am just not having fun at Mizzou. However, I have a very good GPA at Mizzou (3.94), I have made some friends (not many – but some), I have made great connections (I work with the student radio station and the local NBC-affiliate TV station called KOMU), and I am basically settled in. The only problem is, really, is that I miss home and I am not enjoying it as much as I thought I would.
I always wanted to go to Texas growing up, and I know it provides an excellent education in journalism. I also realize that Mizzou does as well.
In journalism, I know it is all about connections. UT seems to have a lot of connections there (the Dean of Communications told me about how they have ESPN, TV stations, Radio stations, etc.). Mizzou does too, though. However, I don’t know which will be better for my future. I also have to take into consideration that leaving Mizzou will be starting all over again and I would be taking a risk at making new connections in a new location when I already have some at Mizzou.
I really just need some advice on what direction to take. Should I go to Mizzou or should I go to Texas? If you can’t answer that, can you please give me advice on this whole situation? Thank you all!
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 18 December 2011. Tags: cricket man, dispell, Drop, drop of a hat, female teacher, greg proops, mid 90s, modern languages, radio one, radio programme, series, station, tches, Today, tourist destination
It was on Radio one around ten pm in the mid 90s, presented by Greg Proops, it was a series of sketches supposed to be from niche radio stations around the world. I remember one being a station for tourists in New York aiming to dispell the myth that you were likly to be gunned down at the drop of a hat, yet being nothing but cheery reports that ‘a bunch of tourists were masacred today at (some popular tourist destination)’.
Another one i remember was a station from an incredibly posh public school, where all the students were talking street, remarking how one female teacher taught modern languages ‘like b*tches should’, and talking about ‘cricket man, dudes in white’.
anyone remember?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 30 November 2011. Tags: Choice, deficit, drug cartels, Drugs, flying spaghetti monster, fox news, jail sentences, king george iii, legalization, legalization of drugs, legalization of pot, newt gingrich, pot smoking, reincarnation of jesus, station
Obama promised change, but things have stayed exactly the same. Many Democrats are disgusted with him. Some Democrats may vote for him simply because it is their affiliated party. The same goes for Republicans. They too don’t want Obama reelected, but they will vote for candidates due to their party affiliation.
If FOX News or CNN or ANY other news station says a Republican candidate is electable or is “in the lead” *cough* Newt Gingrich *cough*, then the Republicans jump on the bandwagon. They are like sheep – stupid, brainwashed, easily-molded sheep. They don’t know about politics, and if they think they do, most candidates lie anyways. Look at Obama, Bush, Cain, Gingrich, Romney, Perry, and all of the others. There is one man who stands out, though – Ron Paul, possibly the reincarnation of Jesus/Buddha/Allah/The Flying Spaghetti Monster himself.
Ron Paul does not advocate the legalization of drugs as many think, but rather he wants to give states the choice. This country was founded on state power. The federal government reigns supreme, however. We might as well have King George III as our president. Anyways, drug cartels only exist because drugs are illegal. The War on Drugs OBVIOUSLY doesn’t work with… oh, I don’t know… about 55% of the population supporting the legalization of pot and probably more smoking it? This futile War also strengthens the drugs cartels. Hard choice, right? Obviously, meth, crack, and the like are much more controversial. But weed is causing violence, filling up our prisons, and making us pay taxes.
Do you, dear reader, know how much money our government spends annually to pay for pot-smoking “criminals'” jail sentences? A whopping 7 BILLION DOLLARS ANNUALLY. If we got rid of that, we would forget all about the deficit. What deficit? Exactly <3 One last point in this subject is an excise tax on marijuana, just like on alcohol and cigarettes. This is more cash flow to help with the recession.
Why do so many people think he is unelectable? He has young people's votes, veterans' votes, soldiers' votes, stoners' votes, economists' votes, and many Independent and Democratic votes. Blue Republicans are people that are usually Democrats but are registering Republican ONLY to VOTE for RON PAUL. And oh boy are there a lot of Blue Republicans. Independents would rather vote for Ron Paul than Obama or the mainstream GOP. Speaking of mainstream, why doesn't FOX News, or any other station for that matter, talk about Ron Paul? They say the front-runners are Cain, Romney, and Gingrich, but they fail to mention that Ron Paul is up there with them, actually surpassing Gingrich and Cain and close to Romney. He is winning in Iowa, haven't you heard? If not, then Google "Ron Paul Iowa." I'm sure you'll find plenty of pages on this.
The mainstream do not want him getting attention because the Republicans want a filthy, lying candidate – a candidate that goes against what he advocates.
He has the highest electability among all of the Republican candidates. If Romney runs, how many Democrats or Independents are going to vote for him instead of their own respective parties. If Ron Paul runs, he will get a massive amount of votes from Democrats, Independents, and Republicans, most of which will vote for him ONLY because he is Republican… but no matter. He is the only option.
Any other areas, which there are PLENTY of, people should write about
I don't feel like writing more right now because I have a shitload of college homework to do before finals.
Happy St. Paul's Day :3
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 20 October 2011. Tags: Affiliate, amp, Cbs, cbs affiliate, Complaint, ennis, houston tx, Jockey, Local, local radio station, offensive comments, radio disk jockey, Sports, station
on cbs affiliate Sports Radion 610 am in Houston TX, employee Josh Ennis of the J & R has made offensive comments that need to be addressed.
Posted in Featured Articles