Tag Archive | "stock market"

How Is Japan Doing After The Tsunami And Fukushima Meltdown?

Once fukushima melted down, the news about anything in Japan just disappear in the US. Oh sure there is non stop stock market talk because to this government, money is all there is in the world, but I was wondering if anyone had information on the “human” interest side. Did they totally evacuate that island? Where are the homeless being kept now? Who if anyone is helping them? Why do they want all that information to remain top secret? They continue to have 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 earthquakes daily there and yet not a squeak out of our bought and paid for news media in America. All working for the almighty dollar. If you have any REAL word on the welfare of the tsunami victims I’d like to hear it. If you are just guessing, then keep it to yourself.

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How Do I Win At Forex/stock Market?

I’m a college student, I’m actively looking for a job and only have $1400 worth of assets. I can invest a maximum of $200 at this moment. How do I become rich because I hate work, hate school, hate the prospect of life as a wage slave, love money. I want a sustainable income with this.
Oh and for everyone who wants to spam me: I HAVE tried affiliate marketing, freelancing, and what not. I HAVE made about $300 off of that. THAT IS BARELY ANYTHING!

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Have You Ever Made A Killing On The Stock Market?

what is your secret

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Is The Bush Recession Lasting Longer Than The Experts Thought?

Many so-called experts predicted that the recession would end in 2008-2009.
Today, Its no secret that the economy is sluggish except for the stock market. Could you imagine if republicans were still in power? They would have an even longer recession.
The way to get out is to get money in peoples pockets. Increasing jobs seems reasonable but there are other ways. Our poor need help and education and there a lot of teachers and case workers that can be employed out of our colleges.

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9/11 Conspiracies And “put” Options?

I’ve been trying to follow the 9/11 conspiracy theorists insisting that a large number of “put” options on the airline industry shortly before the 9/11 attack indicates foreknowledge of a conspiracy. I want to make sure I understand what they’re saying before deciding whether they have a legitimate claim or whether they’re a bunch of crackpots. Just HOW would any put option work in this supposed conspiracy? I know a “put” option is a contract to buy a stock at a given fixed price between one side who believes the stock price will go up and another side who thinks it will go down, but I can’t for the life of me see how it can be a factor in these 9/11 conspiracies.
Let’s say secret agent X wants to make a quick buck off a 9/11 attack he knows is coming, so he place a put option to buy stock at, say, $40 per share. Secret agent X then stages the 9/11 attack and the airline stock drops to $30 a share, meaning that when he invokes his put option, secret agent X will be paying $40 for a $30 stock. Secret agent X is *losing* $10 per share. Who in his right mind would stage a conspiracy to lose money?
The only way I can see how this would work is if some other unknown buyer had a put option with secret agent X, rather than the airline industry. The put option with secret agent X is for $40 per share, and then secret agent X stages the 9/11 attack and the stock drops to $30 per share. Secret agent X can now buy stock from the stock market at $30 per share and force the other buyer to pay $40 per share for a $10 profit…but this is completely different from their “put options on the airline industry” claim and it would means someone out there was ripped off by secret agent X and I can’t say they’d remain quiet about it. The only other way would be for the airline industry to write a put option for someone else and stage the attack on themselves, but staging an attack that creates a long term loss for the benefit of a short term gain is just plain absurd on so many levels.
Either these conspiracy theorists are entirely clueless on how put options work, or I’m entirely clueless on how put options work. So, I’ll let you settle it: how DO put options work?

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Why Does Yahoo Allow Obvious Scams To Be Posted As Ads On Ya?

Every time I see an ad on YA, it’s for a product that’s well-known to be a scam: penny stocks, acai berry, “miracle” muscle-growth supplements. For example, I see the “John Bell wants to share his secrets on hacking the stock market” ad every single day, yet a cursory search online will show it’s a complete scam and impossible to implement.
Is Yahoo not responsible for the ads on here? Are they being handled by some third party?

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