Posted on 24 June 2012. Tags: clans, com, DaTaPreD, datasnipingofficial, email, montage, personal issues, ps3, recruitment, shooters, Sniping, subs, xbox, xbox 360, YouTube
We are looking for a few more recruits till we close of recruitment. Also looking for a montage editor and clans to affiliate with. A little info about DaTa clan is, we started on Mw2, the original founder DaTa DesTrucT closed it down due to personal issues. I am re starting it and we need to get back to 15,000 subs again. This is a clan only on Xbox 360 may be moved onto ps3 possibly. If interested answer this questions, add me on 360 DaTaPreD, message our email ,or message us on our youtube.
So again, good trick shooters, no scopers, or quick scopers can be recruited in, we need a new montage editor, I am willing to pay if need be, and affiliate clans. If you need anymore Info please feel free to ask and I will answer. (:
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 22 May 2011. Tags: Account, Adsense, Affiliated, email, Google, partnership, subs, YouTube
hey everybody….i was wondering is youtube partnership associated with google adsense….i mean the email that i am using for my youtube had a adsense account and was suspended, but that email was never partnered with youtube… lets say i have 100,000 viewes and 1000 subs and i partner with youtube, will i need a adsense account?
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 10 December 2010. Tags: Anime, anime episodes, anime lovers, anime soundtrack, anime website, bleach, com, design functions, friends members, idea, niche, personal members, subs, theme, Website
Hello all!
What do you think if I make up a website exactly like
for anime niche?It is free to join,it has a theme,design,functions like
But only the concept is different.The website is provide to you to watch and
upload anime videos like anime episodes,anime movies,anime soundtracks,anime
movies and your personal video about anime.
I hope the website like this can attract all anime lovers around the
world so that all of them will come to upload a lot of anime videos
under this website and another people will watch it.
I know that a lot of people are really familiar with know how to
upload video into,how to add friends,how to subscribe.
That`s why I will make up a website for you to watch and upload video that has
the same design like A new users will have no problem to join,upload
and explore this website as it has a function and design like
So what do you think of this idea?
Oh,one more thing is,if you think that this idea is great,can you share with me
a list of categories that should appear on this website?
This is my opinion about the categories:
1-anime episode(collection of anime episodes)
2-anime movie(collection of anime movies preview)
3-anime soundtrack(collection of anime song/soundtrack)
4-anime and people(collection video that made by personal members)
5-anime fighting(collection of fighting video of anime example naruto fighting)
6-anime funny(collection of funny anime video example One Piece Humor Part)
7-anime mix(collection video of mix anime example Bleach Mix naruto video) you have another idea?Let me know it and I know you will be
one of my members soon! 
Once again about this website:
>>FREE to join
>>can upload unlimited anime videos
>>can watch anime videos for free
>>has design and function like
>>can create channel
>>can add friends/members
>>can subscribe to another channel
>>can change channel theme/design
P/S: please do not ask me about the legal and disclaimer about the
design with my anime sharing videos website as I know how to handle this part!do not worry about
it ….

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101