Posted on 03 January 2013. Tags: ANY, discipleship school, email, friendship, Girl, Home, Life, loyal group, music festival, niche, real friends, school, surprise, warped tour, weird thing
okay i’m 22 and became Christian 2 years ago.. since then it has been very hard finding my “niche” in life, as well as a loyal group of likeminded radical believers..
anyways, this past summer i went on a 2 week discipleship school.. it had about 300 people and i was hoping it would lead me to friendship.
i ended up not making ANY real friends because almost everyone came with a group of friends, and i came alone.
anyways, when i got home from this 2 week school, this girl responded to an old-ish email of mine who ran a ministry on Warped Tour (2 month long music festival in the USA). i emailed her in hopes of ultimately asking if i can join them on warped tour.
to my huge surprise, she said i could join them on warped tour…
i figured they’d have tons of people asking if they could join and hit the road with them and travel the USA… the weird thing is NOBODY asked. so she said i could join if i want.
should i take my chance on this? the ONLY reason i want to do it is to impact peoples lives. do you think i should do it?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 03 January 2013. Tags: ANY, discipleship school, email, Free, friendship, Girl, Home, Life, loyal group, music festival, niche, real friends, surprise, warped tour, weird thing
okay i’m 22 and became Christian 2 years ago.. since then it has been very hard finding my “niche” in life, as well as a loyal group of likeminded radical believers..
anyways, this past summer i went on a 2 week discipleship school.. it had about 300 people and i was hoping it would lead me to friendship.
i ended up not making ANY real friends because almost everyone came with a group of friends, and i came alone.
anyways, when i got home from this 2 week school, this girl responded to an old-ish email of mine who ran a ministry on Warped Tour (2 month long music festival in the USA). i emailed her in hopes of ultimately asking if i can join them on warped tour.
to my huge surprise, she said i could join them on warped tour…
i figured they’d have tons of people asking if they could join and hit the road with them and travel the USA… the weird thing is NOBODY asked. so she said i could join if i want.
should i take my chance on this? the ONLY reason i want to do it is to impact peoples lives. do you think i should do it?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 19 January 2011. Tags: Affiliate, amp, check, choices, Hippa, news, personal info, ppl, surprise, thought
ok so I went in for a check up & when I got called I recognized the medical assistan (we didn’t get along in high school)& although we dont affiliate with ea. other we know some of the same ppl…Well to my surprise my regular check up turned into the news I was pregnant (not planned) & my automatic thought was “not keeping it” anyways everytime I go now she assist me UGH & its very uncomgortable. if she recognized me should she have told her docyor or something? is she violating HIPPA standards? Can I ask for a different doc?
plz help me out bc its very awkward everytine I go & I do not feel comfortable with her knowing such personal info. about me. 
I do not care for rude comnents or opinions about my choices I am simply searching for facts about my situato. Thank you.
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 22 September 2010. Tags: boyfriends, cali, fly, girlfriend, Home, hometown, matter, stay, surprise
Ok, well I came with my boyfriend to his hometown to supposedly take care of his brothers girlfriend who is pregnant. This was only suppose to be a 2 to 3 week stay but now, my boyfriends brothers is trying to get him to stay. Our plans have been to come back in the future and make a family here but this is way to soon to my surprise. I asked him while we were in Cali if he was planing on staying and if so to please tell me so that I could just stay over there. He promised it eas only for a few weeks but now he is saying that it’s for the best of both. This makes me extremely sad and betrayed because I have my family over there. So now I’m crushed because he said that he is staying no matter what I say. He said there is niching in California for him and I should stay and leave everything over in Cali for now. I’m so crushed because I love him but I love my family as well. I feel payed by him because now ihave to fly all by myself back home.What would u do? Please help.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 22 September 2010. Tags: boyfriends, cali, fly, girlfriend, Home, hometown, matter, stay, surprise
Ok, well I came with my boyfriend to his hometown to supposedly take care of his brothers girlfriend who is pregnant. This was only suppose to be a 2 to 3 week stay but now, my boyfriends brothers is trying to get him to stay. Our plans have been to come back in the future and make a family here but this is way to soon to my surprise. I asked him while we were in Cali if he was planing on staying and if so to please tell me so that I could just stay over there. He promised it eas only for a few weeks but now he is saying that it’s for the best of both. This makes me extremely sad and betrayed because I have my family over there. So now I’m crushed because he said that he is staying no matter what I say. He said there is niching in California for him and I should stay and leave everything over in Cali for now. I’m so crushed because I love him but I love my family as well. I feel payed by him because now ihave to fly all by myself back home.What would u do? Please help.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101