Tag Archive | "sustainable income"

Funding For Charitable Islamic Business?

I want to start a small modest clothing business to support the local Islamic school. Our Islamic academy doesn’t take in enough in tuition to support itself and needs a sustainable income. I only need like $2000 in capital and of course would have open financial records for any donor. The problem is that our local Muslim community doesn’t have much disposable income (that’s why our school needs help in the first place). There is definitely a niche for this kind of business in my community. Does anyone know of any organizations or individuals who provide funding for this kind of venture? We would even pay back the initial funding if required.

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How Do I Win At Forex/stock Market?

I’m a college student, I’m actively looking for a job and only have $1400 worth of assets. I can invest a maximum of $200 at this moment. How do I become rich because I hate work, hate school, hate the prospect of life as a wage slave, love money. I want a sustainable income with this.
Oh and for everyone who wants to spam me: I HAVE tried affiliate marketing, freelancing, and what not. I HAVE made about $300 off of that. THAT IS BARELY ANYTHING!

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