the 3K+ per night spent on the obama’s lodging in Northern Ireland?
Posted on 20 June 2013.
the 3K+ per night spent on the obama’s lodging in Northern Ireland?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)
Posted on 29 July 2012.
It has been recently brought to my attention that TAXYPAYERS contribute $24.36 for every $1 that an MP puts into their pension account. This totals to around $110.7 MILLION of taxpayer’s money in the last year; money that could very well fund important matters that is otherwise spent making the lives of these greedy politicans more comfortable as already is. In an effort to dump this reprehensible act/ “rule”, I have signed a petition on… in which taxpayers’ contributions should match MP pension contributions ($1 for $1),and it is advisble that you do the same.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, you may visit:……
NOTE: I am not in any way affiliated with the aforementioned hosted parties. This is for the sole purpose of raising awareness about the truly sickening PENSION PLANS of MPs.
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Posted on 03 December 2010.
Ok I consider myself a Liberal Conservative. I don’t agree with every Conservative policy out there but I find myself affiliated with them because of the following. Firstly I don’t think it makes me such a ‘Wicked Evil Tory’. I prefer to look at the Social Philosophy of a Political Party’s Ideology because in some Situations the country is placed in you often have to twist and modify to adapt to the change. Here is why I find myself voting for a Conservative government as I consider myself Centre Right.
– Self reliance
– Responsibility.
– Strong community
– Family
– Sustainability
– Morality, Ethical values
– Make work pay (rewarding the hard working. Support those who want to find work and pursue a forfilling career).
– Free market
– Supporting those who NEED it not this benefit culture of spongers who are very well capable of working but just choose not to. NEETs.
– Less state intervention in everyday peoples lives.
-Two fingers and a BIG NO to a BIG NANNY STATE.
-I love our European neighbours, such rich cultures.. of course im all for cultural exchange, multicultural society and trade. A Political union is not necessary and hurts Sovereignty for those countries in the EU. No to a United States of Europe. Or it least hold a referendum for the British public, we had one on the EEC (Trade) not the EU (Political Integration). I don’t think the way the EU is run is very democratic at all. Its being imposed all over Europe and is about Protectionism within Europe. Not open to the good points of Globalisation and it is very prejudice towards those outside of the EU.
– Tuition fee’s? Im for the rise because I don’t believe the tax payer should pay for MY degree. I am responsible for it not them. Why should a Lorry driver without a degree pay for mine? I don’t think my parents should pay for it but I understand for others your parents mightl I mean you could pay them back 0% interest :).
Here’s whats happening
– Students will still get a loan to cover the entire amount of the fees, meaning they won’t have to put up any of the money themselves.
– Students still won’t have to pay back the loan until they are earning a certain amount.
– If the student’s salary goes up so does the amount they pay back (the same as now), however if their salary goes down they will also pay less or none if it goes below the threshold again.
– After X amount of years (25-30, I’m not sure) the remainder is written off.
At the end of the day, when you reach the age to go to UNI you are an adult and I believe adults should have responsibility towards their Degree, finance etc and not rely on the state so much (taxpayer’s money). I believe the rise in tuition fee’s is fairer to the taxpayer
. In fact it isn’t even a rise it’s just shifting the bill from the taxpayer to the Individual. In fact students have it better than some countries, it least there is a cap at £9000. You’ll be an adult, take responsibility. The loans are very flexible. Sure you’ll have a bit of debt but depending on your income you’ll only pay back certain amount per month as long as you’re employed earning more than £23k. If you become unemployed you stop repaying until you’re employed again. After something like 30 years and not payed it off it’s written off. If you want a degree you should pay for it as it is your responsibility not everybody else’s. Look at this hardship in a positive light. Most of you are capable of being successful and holding your own burden of responsibility to become a forfilled independent adult who can put so much more back into society. That is why I am not protesting against these rises. It could be so much worse but it seems flexible and fair to me. Well thats my opinion
Sure while we’re growing up we tend to take a lot from society (Parents, State education, health care, no taxes etc). Once we’ve grown up we give back soo much more to society than we ever took out. I don’t mean just monetary wise. We take a lot out till we’re Young adults then we give back so much more till we reach our ripe old age. Which in itself is good for a nationwide community :). Think of like society has a small investment in young people and society gets a huge return in years to come.
Am I really a ‘Wicked Tory’. I look onto the left side of Politics too and try to understand, in fact I do agree with some things such as Minimum wage which is a great example… I consider myself Open minded which is why I don’t HATE lefties, I disagree with them mostly but I respect their opinion im sure they have reason for believing it, in fact I’ve learnt from some of their things. Only little though. I am 17 and I have noticed most young people are Lib dem or Labour which is a shame I wish they looked at the Philosophy of Ideology behind Political Parties :/.
I’d like to add I am not rich.
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