Posted on 30 December 2012. Tags: college publications, creative chemistry, creative outlets, creative philosophy, essence, Lets, mfa degree, mfa programs, philosophy, poetry and prose, self reference, strange situation, thought, waiting tables, Writing
Lets go over the pros and cons of a creative writing mfa.
First, “creative writing” is almost a redundancy, considering that all writing in itself is creative, whether fictive, poetic, or instructional. In essence, you may as well be getting a degree in “creative thinking,” seeing that all writing is more mental than syntactic, regardless of affective stylistics and the like.
All degrees or majors in academia require some level of creative thought, though we dont say we are majoring in “creative philosophy,” or “creative chemistry,” or “creative arts,” because its impled that they’re all creative.
Next, people always say that ‘it gives them a chance to devote a few years to reading and writing,’ as if they didnt have time before they started the mfa degree? Usually if you write and read, you do these whenever you are not working or gaining experience than may better serve your ability to write than writing itself. Its almost as if people need the officiality of the degree to either validate their efforts, or to materialize their desires – both of which are bad reasons to begin with.
Heres are some ‘creative’ facts about the mfa. For one, most mfa programs were started by other mfa graduates because they could not do anything else with their creative writing. You certainly cannot find work in other non-creative outlets, other than working in a bakery or waiting tables, or working for people who are evidently not creative.
So what is the real import of a creative writing degree? Besides pretension and narcissism?
Im not sure? It seems like a really really really bad idea in the 21st century. Basically niche poetry and prose and fiction is for other writers, but usually other writers are so blinded by egotism and self-reference that they cant appreciate other writing. Its a strange situation. I was going to apply to a bunch of mfa programs but after reading various college publications and examples of what they claim is ‘good,’ I went to law school instead.
Basically, I just want to know why anyone would want to subject themselves to this hyper-pretensious form of academia? And why should anyone take someone with a creative writing degree seriously considering the absolute garbage that is published today.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 07 March 2012. Tags: adult life, Career, Graduation, Life, niche, real adult, rest of your life, semesters, serious relationship, stable support, support, support group, thought, workforce
I’m a college student, and though I won’t graduate for another 3 semesters, the thought of life after college seems… lonely and unstructured. In some ways, it seems like life ends when you’re an adult–in the sense that, for the rest of your life, you’re going to work and not do much else. Of course, that’s not exactly true, but a LOT of working adults have this lifestyle. Their life centers around work, and that’s something you’re going to be doing for decades…so it seems like there’s no more “stages” of life to look forward too.
I kind of like the structured lifestyle that comes with being in education. I feel like I can’t handle all of the freedom that comes with adult/after college life. You’re truly on your own…. and even though I have friends, I feel like everyone just is doing their own thing, and has their own life so it’s difficult to form that stable support group. So many people who have graduated or who are graduating (either seemingly or actually) feel pretty confident with how there life is and the direction it’s going in. It’s like they’ve found their niche in life, have the support they need, and what not. But I feel lost and rather directionless…
For some reason, I feel like my life is going to feel pretty pathetic as an adult in the workforce. Following graduation, I’ll hopefully soon attain a career in less than 6 months, but I don’t know what else I’m going to do with myself… I assume I will be single, or at least not being even close to getting married. This could definitely not be the case, don’t get me wrong, but I assume I’ll be single, getting settled in my career and living with god knows who..hopefully some friends? A serious relationship would provide that stability at least…so I kinda hope I’m not single by that point. It would be nice to have a stable unit (in this case, a husband) to come home to…I feel like I’m going to be lacking stable emotional/social support in adult/workforce life
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 19 January 2011. Tags: Affiliate, amp, check, choices, Hippa, news, personal info, ppl, surprise, thought
ok so I went in for a check up & when I got called I recognized the medical assistan (we didn’t get along in high school)& although we dont affiliate with ea. other we know some of the same ppl…Well to my surprise my regular check up turned into the news I was pregnant (not planned) & my automatic thought was “not keeping it” anyways everytime I go now she assist me UGH & its very uncomgortable. if she recognized me should she have told her docyor or something? is she violating HIPPA standards? Can I ask for a different doc?
plz help me out bc its very awkward everytine I go & I do not feel comfortable with her knowing such personal info. about me. 
I do not care for rude comnents or opinions about my choices I am simply searching for facts about my situato. Thank you.
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 06 October 2010. Tags: Correct, Forging, grammar, illusion, niche, personifications, Realize, thought
I just want to correct any errors that i might have produced.
Forging personifications
Between those walls, fabricating what you’ll enjoy to see
I’ve been plotting another stage
Including another illusion
Realize in those words
what i’ve been doing to myself
Only to encounter my perfect niche
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 12 September 2010. Tags: business schools, Capital, Education, firm, future education, ivy school, Niches, prestigious schools, silly question, thought, thought processes, tuition waiver, venture capital firm, venture capital industry, waiver
I know for some of you this might be a silly question, but my parents have different thought processes then me. I have an interview with a venture capital firm on Wall Street coming up and am excited about it. My parents on the other hand think I should go on to future education which I have been offered a full tuition waiver through my professor. Granite this school is not where I really want to go anyways. My professor has a lot of friends at more prestigious schools though and said to me, do you want to go to this school; I can talk to my friends there for you. One is an IVY school and the other is a close to IVY school. The thing is, this degree is not an MBA, but would give me more knowledge on the venture capital industry I am interested in. If I went to one of these schools I could potentially get into one of the IVY business schools. Or I could say these educational opportunities are of no interest to me, and I can try and make my bones at this job if I so happen to am lucky enough to get accepted after the interview. The interview will go well if they ask mostly questions about my scientific background and work experience related to their investment niches.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 11 September 2010. Tags: business schools, Capital, Future, future education, hand, ivy school, Niches, prestigious schools, silly question, thought, thought processes, tuition waiver, venture capital firm, venture capital industry, waiver
I know for some of you this might be a silly question, but my parents have different thought processes then me. I have an interview with a venture capital firm on Wall Street coming up and am excited about it. My parents on the other hand think I should go on to future education which I have been offered a full tuition waiver through my professor. Granite this school is not where I really want to go anyways. My professor has a lot of friends at more prestigious schools though and said to me, do you want to go to this school; I can talk to my friends there for you. One is an IVY school and the other is a close to IVY school. The thing is, this degree is not an MBA, but would give me more knowledge on the venture capital industry I am interested in. If I went to one of these schools I could potentially get into one of the IVY business schools. Or I could say these educational opportunities are of no interest to me, and I can try and make my bones at this job if I so happen to am lucky enough to get accepted after the interview. The interview will go well if they ask mostly questions about my scientific background and work experience related to their investment niches.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101