Larry Clark – Online Entrepreuer, Affiliate Marketer, Niche Market Strategist – No Title
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View Details about Larry Clark – Online Entrepreuer, Affiliate Marketer, Niche Market Strategist
Posted on 15 October 2017.
Larry Clark – Online Entrepreuer, Affiliate Marketer, Niche Market Strategist – No Title
from No Title
Price: USD 0
View Details about Larry Clark – Online Entrepreuer, Affiliate Marketer, Niche Market Strategist
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)
Posted on 02 January 2013.
Please help I’m bored on break and love to read and I need suggestions on really good romantic books because I just love romance!! thanks please give title and authorrr
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Posted on 11 October 2012.
I have to write a 5000 word essay, and I want to lay it out by describing each setting then the characters affiliated with each environment. ~ I’m looking specifically at pathetic fallacy and foreshadowing {the general title of the essay is how Charles Dickens uses setting to influence and reflect characters feelings}
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Posted on 07 June 2012.
As the title says
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Posted on 07 February 2012.
I’m pretty sure it was elementary school, at least. The book took place in Romania, and I’m pretty sure it was the 80s. The book ends with the spurs of Revolution, I think. The narrator is a girl and she had gotten a red scarf as a present, I think. The scarf was very important in the book, and at the end she gives it away to a boy (or young man, whatever) who has a head injury, to help stop the bleeding. I think her family stood in bread lines, and at one point she is eating M & Ms that she had gotten from a friend, who was a boy, whose father worked for…secret police or something, which is why who could get that. Her mother was concerned when she saw her eating them because she said they could only get chocolate off the Black Market. I believe there was an epilogue talking about how, although improved, Romania was still facing some problems.
Also there’s another book, but I don’t think anyone can find it because I only remember the cover, some characteristics, but not the plot at all. The cover was a girl in a navy uniform sitting down at a chessboard on an island. You could only see her upper torso to her head, and her back was to the cover. The protagonist was a adventurous tomboy I think…? They went to an island…there were rocks…somebody might have gotten murdered…I think someone fell out of a window…I have no idea what happened, but I’m pretty sure it had a word along the lines of “game” or something similar in the title.
If anyone has happened to read these, I’d love to know the titles, thanks!
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)
Posted on 13 June 2011.
I am in need of someone (more talented than myself) to make me an affiliate banner. It’s for my pokemon RPG site. It has to be 88×31 and has to have the title “Epic Pokemon” on it. Other than that you have carte blanche. I would be so thankful for someone who would be willing to do that for me, and I would of course give you credit! Please?
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