Posted on 23 May 2013. Tags: English, indian, Malayalam, Passage, Read, Someone, This, Translate, Write
Fantastic quote by Mira Sorvino on Slavery!
ie, Mira the American actress and political activist affiliated with Amnesty International. Graduated Magna *** laude from Harvard. As well, she speaks fluent Mandarin.
“Why does it not say anywhere in the Bible that Slavery is wrong?
… How is it possible that it is not immoral to own another person? Why isn’t that one of the Ten Commandments? ‘Thou shalt not own another person.’ You want to sit here and tell me that fornication (Or cheating on your spouse) is worse than owning someone?”
The reason I’m asking this is: My ancestors & family are very passionate Christians and I have my differences with them. I thought that by showing the above quote IN THEIR NATIVE LANGUAGE, I may be able to drive the point home just a little harder.
a little background: I was born in the USA and I cannot read or write in Malayalam. I can only speak.
Thank you, kind souls 
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 05 February 2013. Tags: Ladies, Thoughts, Translate
i’m a 22 year old guy and my dad is an accountant. he is all about making money, and seems to have forgotten about his children.
all was seemingly “fine” with me and my dad; i was going to college like he wanted, until one day i realized i was naive and i quit college.
he isn’t following his dreams, and he didn’t want me to either.
anyways, i am currently working, living at home for the past 2 years, and he doesn’t have any consistent communication with me.
his father was an alcoholic and was never around, so i don’t know if that plays into it, but he’s a horrible father when it comes to building relationships with your sons.
we never talk about personal stuff ever; he has never been there for me EVER to discuss real issues in life… he just doesn’t show real interest in my life.
i am currently struggling to follow my dreams and find my niche in life, and it seems like he won’t help me out because he never followed his dreams..
almost like he’s secretly rooting for my failure because he knows deep down that he has wasted his entire life.
it’s almost like he’d rather worship his job and money, then have a authentic relationship with his kids.
his whole life seems built on his pride..
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 13 April 2012. Tags: This, Translate, Verse
monte donya colasiya
colasiya ish prey viya
niche prey holte trey basati
cola mente nema monte
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101