Posted on 28 July 2013. Tags: "no", Actually, Instant, Instead, Read, Road, Trip
Okay, so I’ve had a lot of friends in Louisiana (Arnaudville to be exact) and my friend and I would love to go meet them. Yes we know they are real, we have their address, phone numbers and have Skyped (video) with them (etc.) so we know they’re real, and it’s not some Catfish. Also we’re going to talk to the mother of one of our best of the friends about staying at their house.
The only problem is that we live in Utah and the drive is about a day and an hour or just a day’s time. So, of course, sense we can’t rent a hotel/motel room we were planning on camping along the way, because we figured it would only be one night. (And trying to get into a motel or hotel wouldn’t hurt, because who knows, they might let us in.)
I believe my friend will be 17 by the time we were planning to leave too. However I will be 16.
We will plan out money for food, gas, entertainment and emergencies, and will pack as many emergency essentials as possible.
I have been to around 15 foreign countries (Germany, Italy, Denmark, Finland, Sweeden, Estonia, Russia, Japan, Thailand, Cambodia, Caribbean nations otherwise not affiliated with America, Mexico, Greece, Turkey, –going to next week, Spain, France ((revisit Italy I think))–) and an okay amount of states. I feel like I’m at least a little experienced with travel and hope people realize I’m not just some –average– naïve 16-year-old. So, if my father approves, my friend is able to go and I gather the necessary funds, do you think this is a practical idea?
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 09 December 2012. Tags: ANY, carefree spirit, christians, discipleship school, Life, loyal group, music festival, niche, real friends, Road, road trip, school, Trip, warped tour, weird thing
okay i’m 22 and became Christian 2 years ago.. since then it has been very hard finding my “niche” in life, as well as a loyal group of likeminded radical believers..
anyways, this past summer i went on a 2 week discipleship school.. it had about 300 people and i was hoping it would lead me to friendship.
i ended up not making ANY real friends because almost everyone came with a group of friends, and i came alone.
anyways over the last few days at this school, a few people came up to me and told me that “God wanted me to tell you don’t worry about it.” this guy didn’t know what that meant, but said it was “between you and God”..
that was awesome because i worry alot about my direction, faith, etc….
and a day later this girl, whom i admired throughout the week for her adventurous, carefree spirit (something i try to emulate), actually came up to me and told me that throughout the week, God had been telling her to tell me, “God wants you to recognize Him”…
this adventurous girl told me that, and later that night the group i was with announced this “wilder tour”.. where its basically a road trip around the united states, saving souls and preaching to people.
that is what i’ve always dreamed of, so i take those two things as signs from God.
anyways, when i got home from this 2 week school, this girl responded to an old-ish email of mine who ran a ministry on Warped Tour (2 month long music festival in the USA).
i met them on warped tour before the 2 week school i went on.
i figured they’d have tons of people asking if they could join and hit the road with them and travel the USA… the weird thing is NOBODY asked. so she said i could join if i want.
from what i’ve said, does it sound like God wants me to do this?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 31 January 2012. Tags: adults, amp paris, Guide, military, missing persons, statistics, Trip, trip to london, way, Wondering
What are the crime & missing persons statistics? Is It really dangerous? By the way Ill be 16 when I go. There will be less than 10 students going. I’m not sure how many adults will be going. The two I know for sure are affiliated with the military. One is still currently active. There will also be a tour guide with us 24/7 and we won’t be allowed to go anywhere alone. Thanks!
Easy 10 points.
Posted in Featured Articles