Posted on 08 July 2012. Tags: Academy, Consulting, consulting business, dietetic internship, Dietetics, human nutrition, lawsuits, legal hurdles, monopoly, niche, nutrition dietetics, RDs, undergraduate, undergraduate degree
I graduated with an undergraduate degree in human nutrition/dietetics in the last year. I want to start consulting business in a specific niche to help people eat better. I have NOT completed a dietetic internship. The thought of being an RD for various reasons has almost no appeal to me now. At the same time, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics seems to be trying to create a monopoly in the last few years attacking any health professional without the RD behind the name. How can you overcome the legal hurdles from the former ADA? I would appreciate any advice from RDs and non RDs alike. Basically I want to help others in my consulting business with getting threatened by lawsuits.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 24 June 2012. Tags: Campus, dual degrees, Electrical, engineering universities, Google, honors business administration, microsoft bill gates, Option, perimeter institute, Physics, quantum computing, quantum cryptography, undergraduate, university of waterloo, university of western ontario
Hello, I’m looking to do my undergraduate degree in EE and I was wondering what university would you recommend. Here are my two options (both Canadian Universities)
Option One: University of Western Ontario (UWO)
– a more diverse, social (party-type) university , might have more clubs
-Tons of options. General First year of engineering, several specializations
(i.e, embedded systems, power systems, wireless communications)
They also allow you to:
a) get dual degrees in EE & Comp Sci or Physics or Bio or Economics, Honors Business Administration in 5 years
b) Bachelors of Engineering plus a Juris Doctor (JD) in 6 years (competitive)
c)Bachelors of Engineering with a doctor of medicine (MD) in 7 years (highly competitive)
d) Bachelors of Engineering plus a Masters of Engineering in 5 years.
-Co-op is available, not as many placements as the following university
-Campus is more attractive
Option Two: University of Waterloo
-Not as diverse (mostly Chinese and Indian students) who do not party as much. Much more focused on academics (which isn’t a bad thing, but i’d probably not be near the top of the class)
-One of the best engineering universities in the world. Affiliated with the likes of Research in Motion,(This university is the birthplace of Blackberries) , Microsoft (Bill Gates did a speech there), IBM, Apple, Google & the Perimeter Institute of Physics where Stephen Hawking has presented many times.
-Tons of research in emerging areas like Quantum Computing & Quantum cryptography
– Specialization in EE (like embedded systems) is possible, not to sure of dual degrees however.
-Largest Co-op program in Canada. Once you get acceptance, you are guaranteed CO-OP placements. It takes 5 years to get your degree but they claim that students make $50,000-$80,000 over their co-op terms and that would be great in order to pay for tuition and residence.
-Campus is not as attractive
As you can see, both universities sound great. I will apply for both and hopefully I could get some advice from you guys. Thanks so much!
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 18 February 2012. Tags: college, grad, graduate chapter, graduate chapters, graduate schools, heart, senior year, south carolina, undergraduate, university
Hello, I have wanted to join a certain divine 9 organization for years. I am in my senior year of college and honestly have not had the time or funds to join a chapter at my university. I know in my heart that this is what I want though. I was thinking about joining a graduate chapter. I wanted to know if any of you have joined a graduate chapter instead of undergraduate. Also, I live in south carolina and the graduate chapters are not in my city. Would I still be able to join if I do not live in that certain area? Have any of you joined a graduate chapter in south Carolina? Also, would a Grad chapter be a part of graduate schools or just local chapter not affiliated with a school.
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 16 February 2011. Tags: altercations, anti depressants, art course, calumny, collegiate atmosphere, false rumors, guitar club, information, outburst of rage, physical, rage, sudden outburst, undergraduate, vocabulary words
Hello. Here’s some of the basic information, and occurrences throughout my duration of High School. As an undergraduate, I was really reclusive, and preferred introversion. While being an adolescent I was a lot more apprehensive about certain things until I realized to overcome my fear during my latter years. I’ve engaged in numerous physical, and verbal altercations with different students. People had an extensive affinity for spreading idle calumny about me (contradictory/false rumors). As it’s kind of obvious I was never romantically affiliated with any girls. I didn’t like to adhere to presumed cliques who advocate for civility yet they’re the students who patronize others for not conforming to their attire. Despite that, I was involved with the Gaming Club, Guitar Club, and Writing Club. I always preferred Historical Antiquity, and Literature over Mathematics. During my senior year I got fed up with taking verbal abuse from two students in my Art course, and I threw a piece of plaster directly towards his head. He wasn’t seriously injured because the material hit his forearm, but it inflicted a ghastly laceration. I immediately advanced towards an enemy of mine who was laughing at my sudden outburst of rage, and so I threw a chair at him. I know I have many difficulties refraining from rage, so I was prescribed with anti-depressants such as Effexor, and Clonazepam. At that same coinciding interval I was diagnosed by my physician with a minor form of Asperger’s Syndrome. Fortunately with God’s sovereignty I’m currently employed at a stable profession. I’m getting ready to enroll in the collegiate atmosphere this summer, and eventually I plan on transferring to a Presbyterian University. Sometimes I found it difficult to carry on a conversation with unfamiliar people. With God’s assistance may he bestow upon me a woman finally in college? Also, if any of the vocabulary words I utilized seemed awkward in this question over the internet then I apologize. It’s just who I am. By the way am I repulsive looking? Here’s a picture of myself. I hope the link functions. Personally I think God should deal his hand of justice upon my generation.
Posted in Featured Articles