Christians only So i’m 20, i love nature, skateboarding, and hardcore metal! im a regular kid, i found jesus a year and a half ago, and my life has truly changed! im growing each day. however, my whole life i have never found my niche, or comfort zone, in life. i have never find my “this is where i belong” moment in life. i have never found friends who are ones like me who love nature, traveling, christian metal, etc.
i’ve known people like that, but was too shy in high school to meet such people. now that im two years out of high school, im much more confident and secure through Jesus. however, everywhere i go, even now after jesus, i still dont find people who want to live to travel and spread Jesus’ love, or have the upbeat personality of a Jesus lover like i do… do you believe God is leading me away from people like me to lead me to something greater later on ( hopefully soon, Lord willing)???
im trying to stay faithful, what do you think??