What do you wanna be?
Have you already acquired the niche?
How do you feel after getting it?
Posted on 02 July 2013.
What do you wanna be?
Have you already acquired the niche?
How do you feel after getting it?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)
Posted on 22 February 2013.
Out of about 5 tries, what is the liklihood of being able to pin point the very top of a momentum in a financial trade?
Please, be free with your answers, as I am sure you’ll see it’s a financial play on the words there… Free with your answers… Get it?! LOL!!!!!! < 3 bunny rabbits and 6 exclamation marks are for the Masonic Group Interpreters for King David and even the 36 Mafia, staying fly. So we had 4 to the number because of the new 3 and 6 coined, we have a lower edge to the new understanding until we can reach 5 or 7, and have the J code to plus 1 and we get our numeral that we need for the 31st day on the 1001st degree and the 1006th degree and the 1007th degree and we arrive at 451.J on that day by a passing of the secret algorithm. The point J can then be adapted to the position in the sun of the sky which will help attain legible accounting of the Emperor's clothes, 6 club and 9 club.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)
Posted on 21 February 2013.
Okay so we are a young engaged couple who have been together for well over two years. She has always had a very short temper and also has a family history of bi-polar. In our past shes honestly left me and tried to move on with another guy which only lasted a few days and nothing really happened with him and her and I patched things up. The reason we broke up was because shes a very strong believer in hating Adult material. I did watch this stuff and she found out (needless to say, I really dont watch it. I promised I wouldnt and after so long has gone by I have no desire).
Now for somereason shes changing. She is VERY moody and actually takes everything out on me and only me, everyone else is completely fine. Also, by anything I mean everything! any bad mood or anything negative comes my way.
She has also started accusing me of watching/looking at porn again.. and doing things behind her back to do with anything from a video/picture to a bad movie or even anything anywhere related to something bad. ( examples – today a commercial of a half naked girl came on tv and me not paying attention blindly was gocking at the tv while I was focusing on conversating with someone. She literally flipped out and made me leave her place because she insisted I was making googly eyes with her… , I also added a page that was supposed to be a joke on facebook called “she wants the D”, she is instantly assuming that I was trying to see something bad ” you knew something bad would come up why would you search that?!!!”)
I do everything to see her usually 4-5 times per week and we stay together around 2 nights depending on the week.
I just dont know what to do.
I even have a google account logged in on my laptop and phone soshe can see anything im doing online from videos/images. to basic search history and results I specificaly clicked on and even how long I was on these pages/content.
She literally does not trust me and basicaly the only way to prove to her isnt even one of the million sit down talks we have, she must simply be with me 24/7 and have access to my thoughts…. I really do love her and this isnt how it was. Recently this has started up and I really want some opinions/ideas/answers/related sitatuions anything…
Thank you in advance..
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)
Posted on 12 February 2013.
I am in college right now and it is not going as I had planned. I already have decided on my major and I am working on many of my prerequisites right now. The thing is, I am not doing very well in school and as the semesters go by it seems I am only doing worse. At the beginning of each semester I say I will study, keep up with the reading, and work hard. It works for about 2-3 weeks in and I find myself cramming for an exam or writing a paper the night before. I am barely making grades nowadays with Cs, lucky Bs (very little of these anyway) and I think I have had one D each semester for one class. Its really, really bad, I know…I feel like everyone I talk to is doing well. I really don’t mean to be so lazy, it that’s what people would call this. I really want to make people proud of me and I want to be able to be proud of myself. If it were not for the negativity dropping out of college brings from family and friends, I would probably have taken a break from school and ultimately (probably) would have given up by now. I want to get through college and have a career. I just don’t want to “gasping for air” the rest of the way through college…I really appreciate anyone reading this. I really do not know who to talk to. I feel this isn’t even a question but more of a vent….thanks again everyone.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)
Posted on 12 February 2013.
I am in college right now and it is not going as I had planned. I already have decided on my major and I am working on many of my prerequisites right now. The thing is, I am not doing very well in school and as the semesters go by it seems I am only doing worse. At the beginning of each semester I say I will study, keep up with the reading, and work hard. It works for about 2-3 weeks in and I find myself cramming for an exam or writing a paper the night before. I am barely making grades nowadays with Cs, lucky Bs (very little of these anyway) and I think I have had one D each semester for one class. Its really, really bad, I know…I feel like everyone I talk to is doing well. I really don’t mean to be so lazy, it that’s what people would call this. I really want to make people proud of me and I want to be able to be proud of myself. If it were not for the negativity dropping out of college brings from family and friends, I would probably have taken a break from school and ultimately (probably) would have given up by now. I want to get through college and have a career. I just don’t want to “gasping for air” the rest of the way through college…I really appreciate anyone reading this. I really do not know who to talk to. I feel this isn’t even a question but more of a vent….thanks again everyone.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)
Posted on 28 January 2013.
I’m a furry and I know it’s not all about jacking off to porn. I’m actually a scalie though, but I love furries.
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