Posted on 16 December 2012. Tags: boyfriend, campus settings, housing, housing authorities, male visitors, private landlords, residence, roommate, sleep, Student, student housing, visitor
In female student housing either affiliated with campus or private and off-campus settings, is it reasonable for housing authorities, private landlords, or even residents to impose rules restricting male visitors from staying in the place of residence?
I ask this because I am a female student living off-campus. I had a roommate who backed out of a lease because she wanted her boyfriend to be able to sleep over.
For you as an American, is it strange or not so uncommon if people have visitor restrictions like these?
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 09 November 2012. Tags: application, clickable banner, Commissions, lick, page content, personal website, Photoshop, professional banners, traffic, visitor, Website
I know how to create banners, clickable banners and know how to use Photoshop. What I need is something very specific… I see many FB pages have cute and professional banners that ask visitors to “like us” FIRST to view the page content. If the visitor doesn’t lick the “like” button for the page, they can’t view the content. Is there an application to do this on FB?
I want to know how to do that for my page. Also, I want to know if I can create a clickable banner and place it in my page that takes fans or visitors directly to my personal website or affiliate links to generate traffic and commissions.
Any help?
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 02 June 2012. Tags: Affiliate, affiliate marketer, affiliate marketing, commission checks, Commissions, money, Need, own website, relevant, visitor, visitor purchases, Website
The most important thing that you need in order to be an affiliate marketer is a good website. Here are a few things that have to be kept in mind when you are an affiliate marketer.
1. Applying with Companies That Are Relevant
When you are ready with your own website you are to apply in order to become an affiliate marketer. In order to maximize your chances of success you should try and apply to those companies that are pertinent to your websites. In order to find companies to which you will apply you are just to conduct an online search. When you find companies that have products that are related to your website, then you are to apply to those companies.
2. Promoting The Products
When you are an approved affiliate marketer, then you will promote the products and services of various businesses. This promotion is to be done by creating and using links and banners throughout your websites so that your visitors may click on these links and get to know about the products that you are promoting. In case the visitor purchases a product you will be provided with a commission because the visitor got to know about the product through your website. The more the number of clicks that you can get, the more are the chances of a possible sales.
3. Cashing Your Checks
After you have become the affiliate marketer of a particular company you will be earning commissions in the form of commission checks. The commission varies from one company to another.
These are the 3 steps that encompass the entire process of affiliate marketing and if you can master these well, then you may earn a lot of money.
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 10 August 2010. Tags: checkbox, Content, Google, landing page, mobile content, Ringtones, Time, traffic, visitor, way
Google’s mobile content policy is getting insane. Seriously, I think they are being too strict about it. First time, I submitted my ads they were disapproved because I had my price way down the page where the visitor wouldn’t see it when entering their personal information. So ok I went and corrected the problem and moved my price up and even made it bold. I just wanted to get the ads running so I made it visible as much as possible.
Ok, so now I submitted my ads after making the correction and they got disapproved again. This time the reason was that I didn’t have the checkbox on the page to agree with Terms & Conditions that they accept the price for the mobile subscription….grrrrr
So again I went ahead and included the checkbox and made it so they can’t even continue if they don’t check the box and agree to the terms.
Now I was 100% sure that everything was correct and I submitted my ads again for review. I was hoping to see traffic as soon as they go live, but all I saw was disapproved ads AGAIN!!!
So now I was very upset and really didn’t know what else to do. Finally, I was able to chat with one of their reps and found out that not only the price needs to be in prominent spot on your landing page but also within the ad copy of your adwords ad. ?!?!?! Wow, seriously?
They make it really hard to promote mobile content. I almost feel like dropping this project and move forward with something else. I am going to get them approved just to see what I can do with it, but I am not going to stress about it. If my ads get disapproved again I think I am going to forget about it
Posted in Affiliate Marketing Tips