Posted on 01 December 2012. Tags: blog, experiences, expert, hoping that someone, keyword, keyword research, learning the ropes, Marketing, niche, passion, pat flynn, product, SEO, wasting my time, webinar
Hi guys,
I discovered internet marketing about 3 months ago and have already got 2 small sites running but still learning the ropes.
I just have a question that I am stuck with, so I was hoping that someone might be able to help.
My recent experience and passion has been with bringing a product to market (which I managed to do successfully) and I’d like to start a blog on that – not claiming to be an expert but sharing my experiences and getting experts in to interview.
The problem is I have had trouble finding good ‘money’ keywords based on Pat Flynn’s Keyword research webinar criteria – the SEO competition looks fairly high and traffic ok-low. Looking at the competition, I am confident I can provide a better authoritative site than most of them but without those money keywords would I just be wasting my time?
I’d love to capitalize on the experience I have had over the last few years and share the lessons I’ve learned with others but obviously do not want to ignore all the advice i’ve been reading on the importance of picking good keywords.
Should I go with my passion/experience and expertise or should I scrap this idea as being too risky (not enough traffic/too much competition) and focus on a different niche all together?
Any advice you could give would be much appreciated – and Thank you!!
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 01 February 2012. Tags: aida, antigone, aspiring actress, audience, broadway play, chorus member, class, idea, one life to live, play, poor background, rest of my life, shy person, Story, wasting my time
I am 18 and an aspiring actress with no experience. I want to do acting because I am a shy person and want to get out of my shell more. I want to test my limits, I’m tired of living it “safe”. I wanna get involved in a community or an activity where I can do something creative and share that with others. I am someone who likes to be creative, but haven’t really found my niche. I love writing and have written poems and stories since I was 5 years old. I have done acting once in my acting college class and really loved the experience! I did this in class play of Antigone and was a chorus member and even though i had a small role I still enjoyed the fact that I was apart of that experience. I wanna do something new and creative with my life. I love the idea of becoming different people in order to tell a story for the audience to enjoy, and one day i hope to be able to write a story too and hope the audience will enjoy it.
However, my family has side agendas of me wanting to explore acting. They want me to do it for the money and get discovered so we can all live comfortably (I come from a poor background), but I’ve seen on TV what hollywood can do to people and don’t really like the idea of it. But I still wanna try acting, because I have never been really good at anything and wanna try to be good at something for once in myself. I wanna do something I love. In life we all have one life to live and I feel if I don’t do this now then I will regret it for the rest of my life. I remember the first play that made me fall in love with theatre. It was the broadway play “Aida” and I just remembered saying to myself when i was 13 years old. “Wow! I wanna do that too!”. I want people to enjoy my work and inspire others too. To me acting is an art I feel doesn’t get alot of respect for the people who put their time and effort into it. So what should I do? Should I still pursue acting even though my family has hidden agenda’s or am I wasting my time? It’s just I am afraid if acting leads me into bigger opportunities my family will ruin it for me. My family doesn’t even know that I am studying acting as a theatre major, and am trying to get involved in theatre. However, they keep bringing it up like they already know. If u get what i mean?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 01 February 2012. Tags: aida, antigone, aspiring actress, audience, broadway play, chorus member, class, idea, one life to live, person, play, poor background, rest of my life, shy person, wasting my time
I am 18 and an aspiring actress with no experience. I want to do acting because I am a shy person and want to get out of my shell more. I want to test my limits, I’m tired of living it “safe”. I wanna get involved in a community or an activity where I can do something creative and share that with others. I am someone who likes to be creative, but haven’t really found my niche. I love writing and have written poems and stories since I was 5 years old. I have done acting once in my acting college class and really loved the experience! I did this in class play of Antigone and was a chorus member and even though i had a small role I still enjoyed the fact that I was apart of that experience. I wanna do something new and creative with my life. I love the idea of becoming different people in order to tell a story for the audience to enjoy, and one day i hope to be able to write a play too and hope the audience will enjoy it.
However, my family has side agendas of me wanting to explore acting. They want me to do it for the money and get discovered so we can all live comfortably (I come from a poor background), but I’ve seen on TV what hollywood can do to people and don’t really like the idea of it. But I still wanna try acting, because I have never been really good at anything and wanna try to be good at something for once in myself. In life we all have one life to live and I feel if I don’t do this now then I will regret it for the rest of my life. I remember the first play that made me fall in love with theatre. It was the broadway play “Aida” and I just remembered saying to myself when i was 13 years old. “Wow! I wanna do that too!”. To me acting is an art I feel doesn’t get alot of respect for the people who put their time and effort into it. So what should I do? Should I still pursue acting even though my family has hidden agenda’s or am I wasting my time? It’s just I am afraid if acting leads me into bigger opportunities my family will ruin it for me. My family doesn’t even know that I am studying acting as a theatre major, and am trying to get involved in theatre. However, they keep bringing it up like they already know. If u get what i mean?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 02 December 2011. Tags: Biased, blahblah, class, english teacher, english teachers, freshman year, invention of sliced bread, juniors, math and science, niche, SOO, subject, Teacher, typos, wasting my time
English is my favorite subject; I’m really passionate about it. I work soo completely hard in it. My teacher makes us write a journal and I’m so proud of mine. I always in it and I’ve been told my work is insightful and such…blahblah. however, compared to this boy in my class, I am considered nothing by my teacher. He thinks this boy is the best thing since the invention of sliced bread. we are juniors and he has been in my english class since freshman year. He is very intelligent and definitly better at me in math and science; but not English. I know I’m boss at it. It’s the only subject I feel excited about; I feel like I’m in my niche. I’m getting really depressed that I work so hard and although I am comended, in my English teacher’s eyes, this kid is God. I don’t know what to do. It’s really bothering me. I guess its because I look up to my English teachers and now the fact that this one thinks I’m inferior to this boy is bothering me. I know in life there are going to be people better then you at things; that’s life. Yet, I know I’m a much better writer and have much better insight than this kid. This is not to be cocky; its just that english is my strength and his lie elsewhere. I’m so frustrated that I spend so much time making my journal perfect and now I feel like I’m just wasting my time. Please help!!!!! am I a psychotic; obsessed with being the best? or is it I legitimate to feeling this way?
ignore all my typos; im feeling lazy 
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 07 August 2011. Tags: best friend, casual friends, creativity, cry, feelings, hobby, loser, movie, niche, problem, shopping network, soul mate, summer break, wasting my time
i feel like crying during movies. any movie. any movie because there’s always a couple, or someone who finds love. but movie’s aren’t the main problem, i guess.
i cry because i’m lonely.
i don’t care if i’m fifteen and i have ‘my entire life’ to find someone, i’m not even looking for a soul-mate. i’m looking for someone to make me happy. even if it’s just for a little while. even if i have to deal with feelings afterwards.
some will say, ‘get a hobby’. i guess once upon a time i had a niche. i was an artist, and i was damn good too. but i fell out of creativity, and every time i try to pick it up again it never sticks. now.. now i sit in my room watching the shopping network and cartoons, occupying my time. i feel like such a loser because i’m just wasting my time. i hate summer break, because at least school kept me busy.
i don’t even have a best friend. they don’t need me, my friends aren’t exactly pivotal to my life either. i could live without my casual friends. i just.. all i want is to be happy.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 10 December 2010. Tags: business meeting, conflict, cross talk, ego, local group, president requests, Profit, rural area, side conversations, Team, volunteering, Voluntering, wasting my time, Work
i am triying to figure out, am I wasting my time?
The members of an affiliate non profit do not voluteer or work as a team, it is frustrating,
everyone does their own thing.
so called members do not support President, try to change what President requests espicially do not honor affiliate procedures. There is cross talk and side conversations during business meeting.
Several say I’ll do this and that and do not follow through or forget.
Two so called members have thier own agenda not developed by President are demanding and rude.
There is too much conflict and drama and ego
No response from some when emailed.
Most do nothing no volunteering.
I believe in the mission but the local group is so non active
And yes I am the president who feels like I am beating a dead dog with a stick trying to organize some oreder with the year plans and events. I know other areas are sucessful yet our rural area is challanging.Nothing improves in the community when most in this group demand thier own way, there is no team work and they so respond by actively volunteering.
Posted in Featured Articles