Posted on 01 August 2012. Tags: affiliations, blog, collection, com, Mysterious, ownership claims, site, Website, website www
Hi there –
I stumbled across this website, I think it’s supposed to be a blog, it seems to be a collection of “articles” by various people. Does anyone know anything about this website? Who sponsors it? Does it have any affiliations?
It’s really kind of, uh…, well…, I wouldn’t normally read it, it’s not very… let’s just say I don’t usually frequent that type of site.
Because there’s nothing describing it, no “about me” statement or ownership claims, it’s just intriguing to me, I guess. There’s usually some way to track who owns it or is affiliated with what; I’m just kind of stuck and curious.
So can anyone give me a heads up about “Giving with Grace”? (The website – not the practice or theory.)
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 18 October 2011. Tags: art shows, business, catalog section, clientele, clothing business, com, craigslist, ebay, flake, materializeme, site, Website, website www, young adults
I just started my own online clothing business. I have cute and good quality items (usually things that are popular and in for teen/young adults). I have a website – (still working on getting all my items put on the site and a catalog section) – I sell on Ebay and have even tried selling on Craigslist (but buyers flake and are usually cheap). How can I get more customers without robbing my bank? What’s the secret to getting more clientele?
Also, I’m thinking about selling at Farmer’s Markets and Art Shows. Thoughts/suggestions/ideas are appreciated on this topic too 
Thank you so much in advance!
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 13 July 2011. Tags: action networks, affiliate programs, blog, bugging, camra, compliance, conversion, forum, maxbounty, Monetize, Niches, visitors per day, Website, website www
Hello, I have a website with 1,000 visitors a day, and I can’t make any money. I am sorry I keep bugging people to help me on this forum, but I don’t know what to do.
1). I tried promoting affiliate programs at paydotcom. 500 clicks with no conversion.
2). When I was trying to be a publisher on cpa networks, I was denied from Clickbooth, Neverblue, Maxbounty, Hydra llc/Adknowledge Compliance, and Azoogleads/Epic Direct Network. I couldn’t get into PeerFly, because I can’t find no one with a camra. I got approved from YeahCPA. I got 200 clicks with no conversion; even my manager was wondering why I had so many clicks with no conversion.
Is there any way to make revenue on my websites besides cost per action networks and affiliate programs? Here is my website: Users keep saying how a nice blog that I have. I believe my niches are targeted.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 27 May 2011. Tags: affiliate programs, com, hello friend, Home, job, Online, spare time, Today, wasting time, Website, website www
Hello friend
As very known for the job online today, there are many affiliate programs etc, as most of them are just scam and cheating and misleading people, but we keep search and find maybe we get the right one, finally I came across a website: which paid to read articles
a day can give around 15 – 19 articles and each article rate ranging from 0.3$ – 0.15$, and the min. payout you need to work untill reach 50$ – that means to work for about 2 months on continuous daily surfing basis,
does anyone tried this website and worked with them before and got paid? I can do as as additional spare time, but I worry if it will be only wasting time and finally they will ignore and not pay out as happened to me with other sites,
I will appreciate if any advises accordingly,
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 01 December 2010. Tags: affiliate marketing, com, design communities, designers, developers, Marketing, Media, promotions, thanks in advance, Website, website www, www
Does anyone know what the best media design community is? I’ve basically been inspired by this website..
This is easily the most beautiful website ever..I want to learn what it takes to make such creations… Even within affiliate marketing I want to make websites that touch people and make them feel something within my promotions..
Is there a community full of designers and developers that could help me accomplish this goal.
Thanks in advance
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 03 September 2010. Tags: affiliate marketing company, free gifts, Google, google links, ipads, iphone, market research, Marketing, Offered, ps3, Referral, thanks for your help, Website, website www, www
I am conducting some market research to help with the content on my website –
I own an affiliate marketing company and I focus on providing hints and tips through my blog for people to receive ‘free gifts’ (such as Xbox, PS3 and iPads) through a referral based system.
Now, whenever you see adverts or google links saying ‘Free gifts’ or ‘How to get a free iPhone’, etc – do you ever click it? If so, are you skeptical?
Hopefully with the information I gather here, I can tailor my adverts and links to stop being perceived as ‘spam’.
Thanks for your help 
Posted in Featured Articles