Tag Archive | "yahoo answers"

I Communicate, But She Doesn’t Like It At All?

I have a really close friend (but we’re not a couple) and I’ve been trying really hard not to hide my thoughts or emotions from her, and whenever we have an issue I try to calmly speak my side on it. I heard that it is really important to women you are close to to feel like you are talking to them from your heart and that they can do the same with you. that is what I was trying to do… but she hates it.
She has actually called me a terrible person and has been generally cruel to me ever since I started being real with her. I don’t think it’s one of those “she only wants what she can’t have” scenarios, because she’s not like that at all. She wants me to be fake and to hide everything, but i can’t do that now, it isn’t natural. Bottom line- she cannot stand me, and I don’t know what to do. Can you offer a suggestion?
And yes, I am going to copy and paste this question into all of the niches of yahoo answers that it could apply to.

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Tell Me About Freemasonry?

I keep seeing a number, the number 33 the highest rank of a freemason.
What is the purpose of freemason’s to raise money for charity? pfft if that was so why believe in a higher being?
How do I join the freemasons and if I join and leave with thier secrets will they track me down.
I know the secrets of this world, I know the devil’s devices. (only people with wisdom will understand this)
– The computer
– The television
– The electric guitar (rock&roll)
– Motocross and all forms of motorsport.
– 33 god and my right, the roman catholic eagle, satan’s seat.
– modern marketing
– gaming
– Aeroplanes corrupting israel
– the illuminati false media that tricks fools without the wisdom that says men do this and not the spiritual forces of the bible!
Why am I on yahoo answers asking this. all I will find is a misguided jehovah’s witness or mormon to answer me. I really shouldn’t be on here asking this I should just work this out myself and stop dumping nonsense into the great ball of sin called the internet.
If anyone here understands me. tell me about the masons.

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Why Are Most Conservatives So Racist?

Whenever you read online comments bashing minorities, ALMOST ALL OF THE TIME, they ALSO bash Liberals in the same post as well. So, you obviously get a good idea of what party most of the racism is coming from (don’t even try to deny it). This could not only be said for Yahoo Answers but also Youtube, virtually every newspaper site that allows comments, blogs and most forums that discuss politics/race.
If the Republican party wants to exist in the next few decades then they really need to mature because this country isn’t getting any less diverse and no person wants to affiliate themselves with a party that looks down upon them. I’m black and most of my beliefs lean right but I want nothing to do with the Republican party (and many other minorities can say the same).
Shape up or get out.

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Do Wwjdhi Impede Or Hurt Other Aspiring Novelists By Flooding The Market With Their Work?

Wwjdhi. Translation being writers who just don’t have it. I’m talking about those writers who want to be desperately published and make serious money from it. Now, I know no one here on Yahoo Answers (those of you who are writers of fiction and have penned short stories or massive seven hundred page novels) are in it to reach this goal. In fact, it seems every writer that I talk to only writes as a hobby or they write for their family and friends or because they LOVE to write.
I’ve never not once come across a writer who flat out admits, ”Yes, I write novels because I want to be the next Jk Rowling. I write books because I want to make millions and be on the NYT Bestselling list.”
Not. One. Single. Time. It’s like they’re ashamed to admit it. But whatever ”it” is there are certain writers who have it and others who don’t. It’s like having a girl or a hundred girls who think, for whatever reason, that they have what it takes to be a Victoria Secret model and so they try to ”break in” to the industry. They try for five or ten years even and are constantly rebuffed because while they might be pretty, they’re not quite what the industry is looking for.
And then you have a stunning, shapely twenty-one year old blonde who becomes a Victoria secret model on her very first try, without really breaking a sweat as opposed to the others who have been trying for ten years. Are there writers out there who clog the markets with their sad submissions, writers who just can’t realize that they are wwdhi? And more importantly, is it a fair thing to do?

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How To Get Famous On Youtube – Secrets Revealed!!?

TO ALL THOSE READING THIS: you are either a person who wants to get noticed or you think you have the answers to this question or you’re just passing by. The point is, with all of people claiming to know the answer to getting subscribers, viewers, etc…I have yet to run into somebody who has a formula to achieve this. I bring this to your attention because I have studied trends, viral marketing, points and highlights from all over the net. I have, after I have done everything that was suggested such as creating responses to video, blogging, posting on forums, creating high quality content, creating different channels, and much more: I have discovered there is no formula, as of yet, to achieving more views..I want people to know this because if you want to give up, then maybe you should. But if you want to make videos because that’s who you, then keep on doing what you love and there is always a shade of hope that maybe you will be discovered. From what I have seen, there are great youtubers out there who never get attention and then there are those that get attention and nobody knows really knows why. Is youtube bias towards some countries and do other countries get faster responses…we all hope, that one day, one of our videos will get discovered or that people will be attracted to what we create. If you have been making videos for the past few years and still no results, then you and I have to seriously rethink things here. We need to come up with an answer that is outside the box, something new, something different. I have spent years on these yahoo answers and the majority of people who post on these sites have never been success in large youtube attention. First of all, what is attention, 5000 views, 50,000 or 100,000. I would like to say that 50,000-100,000 views on a video that you made is amazing but others might have different standards.
I know 3 people personally who have had viral videos of more than 100,000 hits and all these people have no idea why it happened or how?
The point that I am trying to make is that you should try anything and everything because youtube is a mystery and unpredictable. So the predictable in theory won’t work, not that it won’t! If you are just starting out, do what you do and you never know what may happen.
I will fill you in a few things that are Universal..that the world hungers to see such as emotion(double rainbow), faces like Justin bieber, charm, beauty, character or personality that is different, cute, attractive, ordinary but extraordinary(the man with the golden teeth) etc
I write this because after 3 years of youtube creation, after dozens of channels, parody’, songs, skits, , some HD, other’s just SD, etc..and having one video reach 50,000, I still need to re-evaluate these things, to ask myself why I do this and if I am doing it for the right reasons. I always come back to these forums just to see if there is something new out there I haven’t done yet…
“keep the youtube dream in your pants until youtube or the world yanks it out for a *******”

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Give Me A List Of Your Most Annoying Troll Members Of This Boxing Forum?

this is getting stupid already.. guys attacking toughguy for no reason.. bakle this balka that…
this sh*t is lame, FACT!
i log onto yahoo answers and i have 4 or 5 members accusing me of this crap….
i have t.a.p. man and i havent even used him in a month or so…
i dont like being affiliated with other peoples accounts, FACT!
i may laugh at agent orange but that aint me.. if you online detectives payed any attention, we dont type the same..
i do agree we have similar delivery at times,(thats why i think he is so funny) but that aint me..
if you think i am anybody else, prove it or stfu.
and who is this fake jane **** who cant keep my name out her mouth?

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